Site Rating |
Cost: | 9.5 |
Download: | 9.5 |
Quality: | 10 |
Navigation: | 9.6 |
Quantity: | 9.5 |
Payment Methods: | 9.5 |
Updates: | 9.6 |
Bonus: | 10 |
Exclusivity: | 9.6 |
Security: | 10 |
Total Rating: 96.3 / 100 |
The lastest and greatest site online from the guys at Man Buttered. This one is all about messy cumshooting and massive bukkake looking facials. Get off with it here today
Man Buttered has the biggest cumshots I have ever seen. These guys show nothing but huge facials. Its amazing the size of the loads that these horny bastards make. Nothing but huge messy cumshots from these horny basatards. You are in for a real treat with this all new site. Its the latest crazy one from those Man guys. They have some really big loads and if you are a cum lover like me this one will have you hard as fuck.